Friday, January 2, 2009


So we went into the big city for the first time in what feels like ages. It takes about an hour and a half to get to Seville from the Sierra. We awoke to foggy foggy skies but the drive out was beautiful and y the time we arrived it had mostly cleared up. Seville is surrounded by the most awful ring road system you can imagine, which has a huge collection of ´big box´stores. We headed into PC City first to get Mum Light a new keyoard, as hers is the worst one imagineable. We also got her a new mouse as part of her christmas present. Luckily there was a very nice Austrian girl who spoke very good english working there so we could ask all our questions without resorting to the precious little book. We then hit Leroy Merlin, the home repair geeks best friend in Huelva Province. Basically it is a giant Home Depot. After much ogaling of tools, axe heads, and seeds we managed to find a pressie for Dad Manley, Bosch drill bits, who could ask for more, and seeds for our garden. Have to love a place were you can plant crops in December. Next stop was Le Corte Ingles and Hipacore. Huge department store and supermarket. Oh the cheese aisle, oh the meats, ooh and mustard too. We are a little limited on what we can get out in the Sierra for food type things, so have to stock up on the condiments when in the big town. You get so used to having access to just about anything you could imagine in the supermarket in Vancouver, so its taking some getting used to that only one store in town has soy sauce, and decent mustard is very very hard to find. We also hit Lidl, the german grocer that is the place for cheap wine. .99 will get yo a good bottle of Navarra, 2€ wil get you a bottle of sherry, and2.50€ a brut Cava. Civilised country. (more to come)

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