Wednesday, November 19, 2008

happy wednesday

So DIY day began with a bang. We set out for the ferreteria and supermarket after writing ourselves a list in both English and Spanish, as we weren't taking Mum with us to translate. The ferreteria (ironmongers) is the local hardware store and will sell you everything you need from camping gear to screws. The young guy behind the counter was very patient and got a giggle out of the fact that we resorted to hand gestures for numbers as our pronunciation was not easily understood. The Spanish are very good at trying to understand what you are saying but sometimes have trouble with our funny accent. We then went to the local building suppliers, San Blas, to get a cover for the extractor fan, which was great fun as all the builders were looking at us sideways until a local farmer, Javier, who knew Dad came in. As soon as he greeted us and started chatting, everyone instantly lost interest in us. Cortegana has a population of less than 5000 people so everyone knows everyone else and it is very obvious that we are newcomers. Thankfully as Mum and Dad have been here for so long, most people know who they are and it will be easy for us to settle in as their children. Mum and Dad go to Almonaster to teach at the library on Wednesday evenings, so we totally rearranged the kitchen to suit us and fixed the horribly drafty back door. Mum was very pleased with what we did, so all in all it was a good day.

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