Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday happy friday

Today was a good day! We set out with Dad to go and fill up the gas canisters and see if that was why the generator wont start. After having to go back to the house because we forgot to pick up the keys, we made it to the finca. The sky was rather overcast today and there were threatened squalls of rain all day long, but nothing major. Dad managed to get the genertor running in three fell pulls, much to our delight. It turns out that we didn't know how to prime the motor and that was all it took. Dad went off to get ready for evening classes and we set about cleaning the house. Simon found Fran a very nice straight olive branch for her walking stick, which he ended up being very jealous of, and whittled it down to the perfect size. After running the borehole dry, we moved the 2 pallets worth of bricks and roofing tiles round to the back of the house, and did some general tidying as there is supposed to be someone coming to see the house. We cleaned and organised and got more familiar with the property, all of which made us almost hope that the visitors don't decide to buy as we would love an opportunity to do some more work on the site. We hiked back to town just as the sun was going down and got some veggies for dinner, a pruning saw for the olive trees, and 2 big mugs for morning coffee. The rain started to fall just as we got in the front door and we curled up for a night of good food and warm beds.

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